7 Best Practices to Consider for Site-to-Site Networking

Keep these practices front of mind.

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Does your business need to implement a site-to-site networking solution that’s up to today’s cybersecurity demands? We’re here to help. Below are seven secure networking solutions, frameworks, and best practices to consider to ensure your setup is configured to offer optimal security.

7 Best Practices for Secure Site-to-Site Networking

Here are seven ways you can securely connect your distributed network locations:

1. Virtual Private Network (VPN):

Utilize VPN technology to create encrypted tunnels over the internet and ensure secure communication between distributed locations (i.e. connectivity between a corporate network and a branch office network).

A secure site-to-site VPN connection provides confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted across the network. By leveraging VPN software or cloud-based VPN services, you can establish secure connections without the need for dedicated hardware or leased lines.

Good to know: Cybersecurity threats don’t just impact large corporations. Forbes recently highlighted a 2022 report from Barracuda that found “small businesses are three times more likely to be targeted by cybercriminals than larger companies.” Regardless of your business’s size, industry, or budget, there’s a VPN solution for you.

And if you’re worried that VPNs are “dead” or that VPNs aren’t compatible with ZTNA, rest assured that neither is true. Contrary to popular belief, VPNs and ZTNA are not mutually exclusive. In fact, a VPN is a critical component of a strong zero-trust architecture.

Recommended Reading: Why VPNs and Zero Trust Network Access Are Not Mutually Exclusive

2. Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN):

Implement an SD-WAN solution to securely connect your distributed network locations.

SD-WAN allows you to establish virtual networks that leverage multiple internet connections, such as broadband, DSL, or cellular, to create a resilient and cost-effective network infrastructure. SD-WAN solutions provide encryption, traffic optimization, and centralized management, simplifying the setup and enhancing security.

3. Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA):

Never trust, always verify. Adopt a zero-trust security approach to ensure secure connectivity between your distributed network locations.

ZTNA focuses on authenticating and authorizing users and devices before granting access to network resources. By implementing ZTNA solutions, you can establish secure connections over the internet and enforce granular access controls based on user identity, device security posture, and other contextual factors.

Recommended Reading: How to Create ZTNA with OpenVPN Cloud

4. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS):

Utilize SSL and TLS protocols to establish secure connections between distributed locations.

These protocols provide encryption and authentication, ensuring that data transmitted between locations remains confidential and tamper-proof. By leveraging SSL and TLS, you can secure communication channels without the need for dedicated leased lines or MPLS connections.

Good to Know: The OpenVPN protocol utilizes SSL and TLS.

5. Cloud-based Security Services:

Consider utilizing cloud-based security services to enhance the security of your distributed network connections.

Cloud-based firewall-as-a-service (FWaaS), secure web gateways (SWG), and intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) can provide robust security measures without the need for on-premises hardware and complex management.

6. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

Implement multi-factor authentication across your distributed network locations to add an extra layer of security.

By requiring users to provide multiple forms of authentication, such as passwords, security tokens, or biometric factors, you can ensure that only authorized individuals gain access to network resources.

Just don’t let the myriad options get in the way of choosing an MFA solution that works for your business. One thing is certain: The Best Multi-Factor Authentication Tool is the One Your Business Will Use.

7. Network Segmentation and Access Control:

Implement network segmentation and access control mechanisms to isolate different parts of your distributed network and enforce granular access policies.

By segmenting your network into separate zones and applying strict access controls, you can minimize the impact of potential breaches and unauthorized access attempts. For best results, choose a solution that allows you to restrict access from Networks, Hosts, and User Groups.

Unlock the Benefits of Secure Connectivity with Site-to-Site Networking

By adopting these approaches, businesses can securely connect their distributed network locations without the need for expensive infrastructure or complicated setup and management. Cloud-based solutions, encryption protocols, zero-trust principles, and strong authentication mechanisms offer cost-effective and efficient alternatives for achieving secure connectivity.

What does your business stand to lose by not following these guidelines? Peace of mind, cost savings, and easy configuration and management.

Recommended Reading: Network Security: The Basics

Site-to-Site Networking Solutions from OpenVPN

Our cloud-delivered service, Cloud Connexa, boasts flexible internet routing, multiple isolated overlay networks, cloud protection, ZTNA, application-based domain routing, and more. Our self-hosted VPN solution, Access Server, offers access control, multiple authentication options, fast installation, automation, and more. Plus, you can deploy from anywhere.

Ready to take your business to the next level with Cloud Connexa or Access Server? Work from anywhere and from any device with confidence. Create an account today for three free connections with Cloud Connexa or two free connections with Access Server. No credit card required.

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