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Cybersecurity For Tech Companies

Cybersecurity For Tech Companies

5.3 trillion U.S. dollars. That’s the 2022 estimated spending for the global information technology (IT) industry. Given that the Verizon 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) found 86% of data breaches are motivated by financial gain, it’s easy to see why cybercriminals target the tech industry. According to the NTT 2020 Global Threat

OpenVPN Team

9 minute read
Top Retail Cybersecurity Challenges

Top Retail Cybersecurity Challenges

E-commerce lets retailers use customer data and segmentation to deliver unique customer experiences. That’s why the industry eagerly pursued digital transformation. Unfortunately, that customer data also creates new vulnerabilities that weren’t part of traditional brick-and-mortar retail.

OpenVPN Team

6 minute read
How to Prevent Scareware Attacks with CloudConnexa

How to Prevent Scareware Attacks with CloudConnexa

Does anybody like pop-ups? Unlikely. That's why pop-up blockers are so popular. And as if pop-up ads and pop-up windows weren’t annoying enough, now scammers are using scareware pop-ups to trick users more determinedly than ever.

OpenVPN Team

4 minute read
Cloud-Based Cybersecurity for Financial Services

Cloud-Based Cybersecurity for Financial Services

In his 2019 annual letter to shareholders, J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon wrote, “The threat of cybersecurity may very well be the biggest threat to the U.S. financial system.” At the time, J.P. Morgan Chase was spending almost $600 million to defend against cyberattacks after a 2014 breach that affected 76 million households and 7 million

OpenVPN Team

8 minute read
Cybersecurity for SMBs: Why Small Businesses Need Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity for SMBs: Why Small Businesses Need Cybersecurity

Reliable cybersecurity, and avoiding cyberattacks, is essential for businesses of any size. The subject is so popular that it’s a standalone topic on Google News. Problem is, many small or medium businesses don’t consider it essential for them — it’s often seen as a problem for big businesses and enterprise, but that couldn’t be further from the

OpenVPN Team

7 minute read
Restricted Internet Access: Available Now With CloudConnexa

Restricted Internet Access: Available Now With CloudConnexa

A walled garden, in internet terms, “... is an environment that controls the user's access to network-based content and services.” A walled garden is used to keep users from exploring outside the walls and to protect against malware, phishing, and other cyber threats. According to TechTarget, “Although a walled garden does not always prevent users

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
Internet Gateway Selection Feature on CloudConnexa

Internet Gateway Selection Feature on CloudConnexa

You’ve deployed internet gateways. Now, you need a way to route the traffic — securely, from your networks, hosts, groups, and users with the flexibility to control where the exit takes place. This is all possible with Internet Gateway Selection, a new feature of CloudConnexa, that lets you configure how internet traffic is routed from your hosts,

OpenVPN Team

2 minute read
Announcing New Support For Businesses In Ukraine

Announcing New Support For Businesses In Ukraine

In our continual efforts to support those under attack in Ukraine, OpenVPN®, Inc. is announcing today that we will offer one free year on OpenVPN® Cloud, up to a maximum of 50 connected devices, for any business based in Ukraine, or any non-profit organization doing work to support Ukraine directly.

OpenVPN Team

1 minute read
Types of DNS Attacks and How to Prevent Them

Types of DNS Attacks and How to Prevent Them

In the cybersecurity world, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), malware, and ransomware get more attention than domain name system (DNS) attacks, but DNS attacks are on the rise.

OpenVPN Team

9 minute read
Cybersecurity for Manufacturing Industry Regulatory Compliance

Cybersecurity for Manufacturing Industry Regulatory Compliance

Mitigating Cyber Risk Vulnerabilities in the Industry 4.0 Age As the manufacturing industry segued from the first to second to third Industrial Revolutions, regulatory compliance came into being. As we embark on the fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, additional regulations are added. You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who

OpenVPN Team

9 minute read