Open Source

Trail of Bits Validates Security Strength of OpenVPN
With over 60 million downloads of OpenVPN’s core open source software, 20,000+ business customers, and hundreds of companies who use the OpenVPN protocol in their own products, you may be wondering: Is the OpenVPN protocol safe?
Krista Lyons
7 minute read

SouthEast LinuxFest 2023: Embracing Open Source and Building Connections
Among the passionate attendees is Operations Engineer at OpenVPN, Chuck Aurora, who has attended SELF since 2011. This year, we got to check in with Chuck about his experience at the fest, as well as the highlights of his presentation on "Introduction to OpenVPN3-Linux."
OpenVPN Team
5 minute read

Multi-Factor Authentication with OpenVPN | Community Edition
With the multitude of data breaches of large databases exposing user credentials over the past several years, multi-factor/two-factor (MFA/2FA, referred to as MFA throughout the remainder) authentication deployment is on the rise.
OpenVPN Team
3 minute read

OpenVPN MFA Setup | Community Edition
For this demonstration, the important parts are going to be the MFA challenge response mechanisms.
OpenVPN Team
4 minute read

We Now Have OpenVPN Data Channel Offload: Here's What That Means
Security is one of the most important things to consider when you are online. The more your online communications are secured with encryption, the better. Data encryption has slowed down computing speeds in the past, which has improved with modern CPUs. But we can do more. OpenVPN has just introduced a new development that will increase the speed
OpenVPN Team
4 minute read

What Is OpenVPN? | An Explanation of Community Edition vs. Access Server
The OpenVPN project was founded in 2001 by James Yonan. Yonan was traveling through Central Asia, and in order to work, he had to connect remotely to his office. However, connecting through servers in countries with untrustworthy security practices gave Yonan concern about his online safety. Out of every problem comes a solution — that's when
OpenVPN Team
3 minute read

OpenVPN 3 Linux and --auth-user-pass
With OpenVPN 3 Linux, as with most newer releases, the community has improved upon the security. One of the ways this is done is by increasing requirements around user credentials. This increased security has removed a feature used in OpenVPN 2.x clients where the username and password are provided via a credentials file. Due to this security
OpenVPN Team
5 minute read

OpenVPN 2.6 Released
We want to highlight a few of the new features of the OpenVPN 2.6 release. The full list of new features and changes can be found here: Change log for OpenVPN 2.6.
OpenVPN Team
2 minute read

OpenVPN Community Hackathon of 2022
The OpenVPN community gathered again for a community Hackathon in Delft, Netherlands, from November 25 to 27, 2022. While we enjoy working remotely, the Hackathon provided a welcome change of scenery and a great chance to meet in person after such a long time apart.
OpenVPN Team
2 minute read

How Businesses Can Handle the Pandemic of Open Source Bugs
In mid-January, representatives from some of the world’s biggest tech companies and open source foundations were summoned to the White House. On the agenda: how to better manage the risks associated with open source software use. The already-notorious Log4j vulnerabilities at the end of 2021 raised awareness of such risks at the highest levels of
OpenVPN Team
5 minute read