Cybersecurity (3)

Your Team's Kids Could Be Putting Your Network At Risk

Your Team's Kids Could Be Putting Your Network At Risk

Working from home has never been more common; the remote-team trend has been rising for a while now, but COVID-19 caused a surge like never before. If your team is one of the many that have made the switch, you might need to think about your network security in new ways, too. Are you prepared for the risks that come with a fully remote team?

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
How to Encrypt RDP to Protect Against Attacks in 2021

How to Encrypt RDP to Protect Against Attacks in 2021

With the lockdowns in 2020 came rapid digital adjustments in all industries. This included ramping up the use of Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), and with that increase came an increase in attacks. According to ESET’s Q4 2020 Threat Report, RDP attacks increased 768% between Q1 and Q4 last year.

OpenVPN Team

7 minute read
Introducing Cyber Shield: Built-in Content Filtering for OpenVPN Cloud

Introducing Cyber Shield: Built-in Content Filtering for OpenVPN Cloud

PLEASANTON, CALIF. – April 8, 2021 – Robust content filtering is now possible with Cyber Shield, a free add-on of OpenVPN Cloud. The OpenVPN team released Cyber Shield, which provides our OpenVPN-as-a-Service tenants with a powerful way to block access to malicious websites using DNS-based content filtering.

OpenVPN Team

2 minute read
Tech Support: Scaling in a Snowstorm

Tech Support: Scaling in a Snowstorm

Q: What happens if a lot of my employees suddenly need to work from home? How can I scale up my VPN connections safely and quickly?

OpenVPN Team

8 minute read
Unlocking Security and Productivity: The Power of a VPN for Your Business

Unlocking Security and Productivity: The Power of a VPN for Your Business

Protecting Your Business: The Importance of Utilizing a VPN Is your company utilizing a VPN — or just hoping you won’t be the next victim of a breach?

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
Three Benefits of Using an SSL VPN for Business

Three Benefits of Using an SSL VPN for Business

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) virtual private network (VPN) products, also known as SSL VPNs, protect the confidentiality and integrity of communications between systems. SSL VPNs typically include communication between any two endpoints, such as a gateway-to-gateway VPN architecture. However, today's SSL VPN products most often function as a remote

OpenVPN Team

2 minute read
SSL VPN Overview

SSL VPN Overview

Most long-distance communication these days happens over the internet. There are countless internet-based messaging apps, email providers, and other methods of communication — but that is only the tip of the iceberg regarding online communication. Any interaction on a website, network, or database is also a form of communication.

OpenVPN Team

4 minute read
Evil Corp. Takes On Remote Workers

Evil Corp. Takes On Remote Workers

As more and more employees start working from home, cyber threats evolve and become more advanced. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdowns, organizations have seen an increase in attacks against remote workers, particularly social engineering attacks like phishing and pharming.

OpenVPN Team

2 minute read
A Guide to Going Remote in the Virtual Age

A Guide to Going Remote in the Virtual Age

How You Can Help Your Team Make The Switch — Securely. Coronavirus and social distancing measures are sending countless employees to work from home. Many people predict this will permanently change the face of the modern workplace, with remote work becoming the new norm.

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
What Is RDP?

What Is RDP?

COVID-19 has forced many employees, including IT teams, to work from home. But questions continue to come up over whether the surge in remote working is prioritizing information security. Many businesses already use remote desktop protocol (RDP) to access their systems and servers remotely. RDP enables IT departments to remotely and efficiently

OpenVPN Team

4 minute read
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