Cybersecurity (4)

Work From Home Tools During COVID-19

Work From Home Tools During COVID-19

As social distancing precautions become increasingly prevalent, more and more organizations are sending their employees to work from home until further notice. This allows many companies to continue business as usual — but they need to have the right tools in place to make remote work a success. Working from home is very different than working in

OpenVPN Team

6 minute read
What Happens When You Don’t Prepare for Remote Work?

What Happens When You Don’t Prepare for Remote Work?

With the Coronavirus causing so many employees to work from home, people predict that this may permanently change the face of remote work — with remote work becoming the new norm. Hopefully organizations realize how valuable remote work can be, but a lot is hinging on how companies handle the here and now.

OpenVPN Team

4 minute read
Split Tunneling VPN Explained: Balancing Security and Performance

Split Tunneling VPN Explained: Balancing Security and Performance

What is split tunneling in a VPN? Split tunneling is the process of allowing a remote VPN user to access a public network, such as the Internet, at the same time that the user is allowed to access resources on the VPN.

Mollie Horne

20 minute read
Why Companies Are Turning To VPNs During The CoronaVirus Outbreak

Why Companies Are Turning To VPNs During The CoronaVirus Outbreak

Due to widespread fears over CoronaVirus, entire organizations have gone from a traditional office setting to scrambling for a plan to provide secure remote access. As confirmed coronavirus cases increase across the globe, organizations are having employees work from home in an effort to decrease the virus's spread — and the potential adverse

OpenVPN Team

4 minute read
Biggest VPN Trends for 2020: Possibilities and Dangers

Biggest VPN Trends for 2020: Possibilities and Dangers

With the current year drawing to an end, it’s time to evaluate what the upcoming one has in store for us cybersecurity enthusiasts. Let us see what opportunities and threats are likely to emerge in the VPN market in 2020!

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
Securing a Remote Workforce

Securing a Remote Workforce

According to Telecommuting Trend Data, the regular work-from-home workforce (excluding the self-employed population) has grown by 140% since 2005 — more than 4.3 million employees now work from home regularly. On top of that, the amount of U.S. employers offer flexible workplace options has grown 40% over the last five years.

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
Disabling a Firewall

Disabling a Firewall

“Casey from accounting is getting frustrated, waiting for client files being held up by the firewall. Jordan is trying to join a video conference that needs a plugin, but the firewall won’t let it through. So they call the IT manager who then disables it.”

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
LastPass Vulnerability

LastPass Vulnerability

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Google's Sundar Pichai, Twitter's Jack Dorsey, Spotify’s Daniel Ek, Uber’s Travis Kalanick — the list could go on for CEOs whose Twitter accounts were hacked due to poor password hygiene. Interestingly enough, executive leadership of the world's leading tech giants are just as prone to password management issues as the

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
Why a VPN is Important for Business

Why a VPN is Important for Business

A few facts:

OpenVPN Team

4 minute read
Who is Access Server For?

Who is Access Server For?

Who is Access Server For? OpenVPN Access Server was created for small-to-medium sized businesses, but also has the capacity to scale into the thousands. So no matter the size of your organization, and no matter what your end goals are for your business, Access Server can help you get where you want to go.

OpenVPN Team

6 minute read
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