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Remote Work Spotlight: Rohit's First Time Working Remotely

Remote Work Spotlight: Rohit's First Time Working Remotely

While many people actively search out remote work positions, some people didn’t consider it until it was the only option. This is the case for Rohit, the Senior Product Manager here at OpenVPN. Rohit had worked at the main office for a long time, and while he worked from home every once in a while, it wasn’t something he ever thought about as a

OpenVPN Team

4 minute read
Remote Work Spotlight: Why Orlando is Unwilling to Accept Any Less

Remote Work Spotlight: Why Orlando is Unwilling to Accept Any Less

Remote work is quickly becoming an expected option, rather than a hoped-for benefit. Many job-seekers prioritize organizations that provide remote work capabilities — and Orlando, the OpenVPN DevOps lead, is one of those people. Orlando has worked remotely for several years, and remote capabilities are something he actively looked for in the

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
Remote Work Spotlight: How Hannah Puts Commute Time to Better Use

Remote Work Spotlight: How Hannah Puts Commute Time to Better Use

OpenVPN Team

5 minute read
Evil Corp. Takes On Remote Workers

Evil Corp. Takes On Remote Workers

As more and more employees start working from home, cyber threats evolve and become more advanced. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdowns, organizations have seen an increase in attacks against remote workers, particularly social engineering attacks like phishing and pharming.

OpenVPN Team

2 minute read
OpenVPN Inc. Bolsters Leadership in Virtual Private Networking: Becomes a CVE Numbering Authority

OpenVPN Inc. Bolsters Leadership in Virtual Private Networking: Becomes a CVE Numbering Authority

PLEASANTON, CALIF.– May 19, 2020 – OpenVPN has long been the de facto standard in the open source networking space — and is now a member of the CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) program. OpenVPN is now stepping up to be more directly involved in assigning and managing CVEs related to all the OpenVPN software projects. By becoming a CNA, OpenVPN joins

OpenVPN Team

2 minute read
A Guide to Going Remote in the Virtual Age

A Guide to Going Remote in the Virtual Age

How You Can Help Your Team Make The Switch — Securely. Coronavirus and social distancing measures are sending countless employees to work from home. Many people predict this will permanently change the face of the modern workplace, with remote work becoming the new norm.

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
COVID-19 Fast Tracks Virtualization — OpenVPN Study Reveals Remote Work is the Future

COVID-19 Fast Tracks Virtualization — OpenVPN Study Reveals Remote Work is the Future

There’s no doubt COVID-19 set the remote work revolution on a fast track. And on that fast track, VPN usage soared to new heights with no signs of it slowing down. Companies had no choice but to close up shop and send their workers home, and just as quickly had to figure out how to secure that workforce.

OpenVPN Team

9 minute read
What Is RDP?

What Is RDP?

COVID-19 has forced many employees, including IT teams, to work from home. But questions continue to come up over whether the surge in remote working is prioritizing information security. Many businesses already use remote desktop protocol (RDP) to access their systems and servers remotely. RDP enables IT departments to remotely and efficiently

OpenVPN Team

4 minute read
Introducing OpenVPN 3 Linux Release (Beta)

Introducing OpenVPN 3 Linux Release (Beta)

The new beta release of the OpenVPN 3 Linux client introduces a new integration feature for Amazon AWS. It is now more accessible for an entire Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in Amazon to share the use of a VPN tunnel configured on a single EC2 instance.

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
OpenVPN Cybersecurity Health Check

OpenVPN Cybersecurity Health Check

Cyberthreats are increasing rapidly, both in terms of volume and sophistication. Falling victim to a breach can cause a lot of damage to an organization. Leaders need to stay on top of security measures, and be ready to address vulnerabilities and handle threats.

OpenVPN Team

2 minute read