Secure Remote Access

What is SAML?

What is SAML?

What is SAML? SAML, which stands for Security Assertion Markup Language, is an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between an identity provider and a service provider.

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
LDAP Authentication

LDAP Authentication

Simplify Your Identity Management and Access Control Integrate OpenVPN Access Server with Directory-as-a-Service As your company grows, you’ll need to make adjustments to your business processes and systems in order to keep up with your growth. An important area that should change with growth is access control and identity management..

OpenVPN Team

5 minute read
The New Cloudflare VPN: What It Is And Is Not

The New Cloudflare VPN: What It Is And Is Not

There's been some talk around the Internet about the recently launched Cloudflare VPN, which claims to be a stronger, more modern VPN – namely because it's built on the WireGuard protocol. It’s true that as an open source project, WireGuard is doing some exciting things. But the way in which it’s being compared to the OpenVPN protocol isn’t quite

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
How The Great Resignation Weakened Network Security (and What You Can Do About It)

How The Great Resignation Weakened Network Security (and What You Can Do About It)

No matter what industry you’re in, you likely have faced a talent shortage in the last few years. In 2021, 47 million people quit their jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) — that was 23% of the total U.S. workforce. In 2022, roughly 38 million more quit. Employees everywhere are reevaluating their career choices, seeking better

Heather Walters

3 minute read