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The IoT Stampede
Autumn is officially here, which means stores are ramping up their sales. The back-to-school sales happened not too long ago, and next thing you know it will be Black Friday and Cyber Monday. As Steve Prentice explained in the latest Cloud Security Tip, “Every year, the fall season sees billions of dollars being spent on home-based IoT devices.”
OpenVPN Team
2 minute read
When to Hire a CISO
Organizations have been moving larger and larger quantities of corporate data to the cloud — because enterprises around the globe realize the benefits that the cloud has over traditional computing. However, the cloud presents different security challenges than that of conventional on-site and PC solutions. Security in the cloud should be addressed
OpenVPN Team
3 minute read
Long-Term Vulnerabilities
A lot of organizations have weaknesses that can be exploited — but what about those weaknesses that extend back for decades? It’s not comforting to think that trusted companies and products have had breachable weaknesses for years, but it is a reality that must be faced as more and more long-term vulnerabilities are brought to light. Some
OpenVPN Team
3 minute read
Introducing Repository
PLEASANTON, CALIF.– Oct 1st 2019 – OpenVPN is adding a new update to its enterprise VPN product, Access Server, making the upgrade process for customers easier than ever. The 2.7.5 update now allows customers to install Access Server software packages and the related Connect Client software through an official software repository.
OpenVPN Team
3 minute read
TechRadar Pro Names OpenVPN Connect a Powerful Package
TechRadar Pro is one of the top IT publications online, sharing some of the best new features and tools in tech for businesses. Which is why we are excited to be featured in this review, published by TechRadar detailing a complete overview and how-to for OpenVPN Connect, our free and full-featured VPN client software. This article not only
OpenVPN Team
3 minute read
You have probably heard about some Android Trojans like Anubis, Red Alert 2.0, GM bot, and Exobot — these pesky viruses have already made their rounds and done a fair share of damage. Although they are no longer circulating in the malware-as-a-service realm, a new version with similar capabilities has appeared on the Internet, offering Android bot
OpenVPN Team
3 minute read
Network Visibility
Nearly 84% of businesses increased their cloud-based workloads in 2018, but lack of network visibility could compromise security and business value. Network visibility refers to how data is collected, aggregated, distributed, and served to monitoring and analytics tools — and study after study shows that cloud users want and need this visibility.
OpenVPN Team
4 minute read
Shared Responsibility Model
When it comes to the cloud, who takes responsibility? Is it up to you or the cloud provider (i.e., the vendor)? One of the top options is the Shared Responsibility Model, where each involved party has a level of responsibility and accountability in ensuring security.
OpenVPN Team
3 minute read
Single-Tenant Vs. Multi-Tenant Cloud Services
There are two primary types of cloud services: The first is single-tenancy, which in cloud computing is often described as a single family home. The second is multi-tenancy, which is like an apartment building — but the key difference is that the walls that separate tenants from each other are not solid, but software. This form of cloud
OpenVPN Team
3 minute read