CloudConnexa (3)

Now Available in Beta — Log Streaming for CloudConnexa®

Now Available in Beta — Log Streaming for CloudConnexa®

OpenVPN Cloud is now CloudConnexa® — learn more here.

Mollie Horne

3 minute read
How To Deploy a Connector on CloudConnexa

How To Deploy a Connector on CloudConnexa

Are you feeling a little lost when it comes to deploying connectors on CloudConnexa? Don't worry; we've got you covered. First off: what exactly is a connector? A Connector is software that is installed on an Application Server or on a computer/virtual machine running on your private network. It creates an always-on OpenVPN tunnel to the

Heather Walters

16 minute read
How to Launch the Windows and MacOS OpenVPN Connect Client

How to Launch the Windows and MacOS OpenVPN Connect Client

OpenVPN Cloud is now CloudConnexa® — learn more here.

Heather Walters

7 minute read
Now Available — Improved and Updated Access Visibility

Now Available — Improved and Updated Access Visibility

OpenVPN Cloud is now CloudConnexa® — learn more here.

Mollie Horne

4 minute read
Zero Trust With OpenVPN Protocol for Network Access = Our ZTNA-Capable Solutions

Zero Trust With OpenVPN Protocol for Network Access = Our ZTNA-Capable Solutions

OpenVPN Cloud is now CloudConnexa® — learn more here.

Rohit Kalbag

8 minute read
Have Extranets Become Extinct?

Have Extranets Become Extinct?

In today's fast-paced and interconnected business landscape, collaboration between organizations, partners, suppliers, and customers plays a crucial role in driving success. Traditionally, extranets have served as a secure means of facilitating communication and information exchange between two organizations. However, with the rise of modern

Rohit Kalbag

5 minute read
Partnering with OpenVPN Gives MSPs an Edge Over Competitors

Partnering with OpenVPN Gives MSPs an Edge Over Competitors

Edit: OpenVPN Cloud is now CloudConnexa® — learn more here. Did you know that OpenVPN is a fantastic solution for Managed Service Providers (MSPs)? We are deeply committed to partnering with MSPs to help them provide their customers with dynamic, cost-effective, and scalable secure connectivity solutions. Read on to learn how we can set your

OpenVPN Team

4 minute read
How CloudConnexa Enables Zero Trust for Small Businesses

How CloudConnexa Enables Zero Trust for Small Businesses

Forrester analyst Stephen Marsh originated the concept of the perimeterless security approach known as zero trust architecture (ZTA) in 1994. Since then, and with help from his fellow Forrester Analyst John Kindervag, use of the zero trust approach has steadily grown with the biggest enterprises in the world.

OpenVPN Team

7 minute read
How to Prevent Scareware Attacks with CloudConnexa

How to Prevent Scareware Attacks with CloudConnexa

Does anybody like pop-ups? Unlikely. That's why pop-up blockers are so popular. And as if pop-up ads and pop-up windows weren’t annoying enough, now scammers are using scareware pop-ups to trick users more determinedly than ever.

OpenVPN Team

4 minute read
Restricted Internet Access: Available Now With CloudConnexa

Restricted Internet Access: Available Now With CloudConnexa

A walled garden, in internet terms, “... is an environment that controls the user's access to network-based content and services.” A walled garden is used to keep users from exploring outside the walls and to protect against malware, phishing, and other cyber threats. According to TechTarget, “Although a walled garden does not always prevent users

OpenVPN Team

3 minute read
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